Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 10 - "Advance" - 6/30/09 to 7/5/09

The drive to work, for once, was VERY interesting. Just follow the equation below for an explanation:

Florida downpour + Night driving + Incompetent Florida Drivers + Incompetent Florida drainage systems = Chaos.

I'm driving to work and the first thing that comes my way (traveling Southbound) is a vehicle in my lane HEADED THE WRONG WAY! I immediately pull over, flashing my lights and trying to gain the driver's attention to no avail. Well, before this guy goes ahead and kills somebody, let me get this guy off the road. With a quick push of the accelerator, I spun my car 180 degrees, rolled down my window in the pouring rain, and told the guy he was headed in the wrong direction. He then turned his car around and drove the right way. One Florida driver spared, several million to go. To further worsen the driving situation, many places on the roadway were 6"-10" underwater, so, in the natural course of things, I began to hydroplane. My automotive knowledge of vehicle dynamics, performance driving experience, and police training came into play very quickly. All I did was gently let off the gas pedal, input a light steering adjustment, and I felt a reacquisition of traction. The rest of the drive was uneventful.

In fact, a majority of my work time for the past couple of days have been uneventful, which has given me plenty of opportunity to ask questions, brush up on my skills, and practice all of the protocols I will need in this profession. However, there were a couple of exciting rifts and some changes that have happened. The most interesting change I had to overcome was the transition in shifts, from midnights to mornings.

I am by no means a morning person. I am more of a "night owl" so to speak. I'd rather get up late and stay up late than do the opposite, but the morning isn't too hard an obstacle with a cup of coffee or some orange juice. I also got a new FTO, so keeping up my reputation is a priority. As of 7/5, she passed me in my first phase of FTO, so I get yet ANOTHER FTO to impress.

I am anticipating Phase 2 because of the added responsibility and challenges. Sorry it took awhile for an update, but with all of this work it gets a bit taxing sometimes.

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